Saturday, November 26

Sox Place

We had a pretty cool Thanksgiving this year. In the morning Leah whipped up some mashed potatoes, and we loaded them into the car and headed downtown to "Sox Place." It was our first time there, having heard of Sox Place at Scum of the Earth church(see earlier post), and I thought it was great.

Doyle(on the left) got his street name, "Sox," several years ago from giving out new socks to kids living on the streets of Denver. In 2002 he opened up a drop-in center and called it Sox Place.

I got to talk with Sox for a while, and he's really awesome. You should check out and read his story under the "articles" heading. Even though he's a fifty year old white pastor from Arkansas, Sox has made beautiful connections with countless street kids(and young adults).

He asked if I want to come on Saturday afternoons, and I told him I'll definitely be there! This is the kind of stuff I love doing.

After Sox Place, we had a giant Thanksgiving feast with about 7 friends from church. I think it was our first Thanksgiving away from family, but we had a blast. From hearing our hostess swearing to my alcoholic eggnog, it was fun had by all! (If any of you are worried about my morals or concerned over our choice of friends, let me know; I can explain. I promise!)

Sunday, November 6

Some nice shots from Trout (courtesy of Shelby)


It's good to see you guys carried on the wrestling tradition!
Here's a flashback from last year:

(Erik, next time try pinning three at once.)