Monday, March 6

writing sucks

Those of you that really know me understand that I am not a writer. There has never been a point in my life where I enjoyed getting my thoughts down on paper. It's just so much work. I should tell you I'm a recovering perfectionist, so when I'm trying to get my point across, I have to write it perfectly, which can be very frustrating and time-consuming. (these four sentences have taken an embarrassingly long time to write)

So why the heck am I writing this? Well I'll tell you: it's because I care so much about ya'll, and I really do want to give you a little glimpse into my world. I'm not making any promises, but I'm going to attempt to semi-regularly post stuff on here that might possibly be of benefit to all ya'll.

Your job is to post encouraging comments, for example: "Tim, this post has changed my life in more ways than you will ever know," or "I never knew words could have so much power."


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