Tuesday, August 23

Starting over again

I should say, as much as I love it here, it's always hard starting over in a new state. Of course we miss everybody from home. You know who you are.

God's come through on what we really needed and prayed for, though. Right after the Kaihois left for home, a cool young couple, Paul and Jessica, brought over brownies to welcome us. They're from Minnesota, too, and it turns out Paul's dad was Leah's elementary music teacher. Anyways, we've already hung out with them a few times, and I think I'm going biking with Paul tomorrow.

I maybe found a job today, but I'm more excited about the ministry possibilities here. We found a great church right away--http://www.littletonvineyard.org/. It's very focused on outreach, and it's just down the street from Columbine High School. The church opened up a coffee shop/cafe this year geared toward students. It's been mostly kids from the nearby Christian school coming so far I guess, but there's lots of opportunities for growth. I may be feeling God nudging me to take it on as a personal project.

I've been checking out other youth groups and ministries in the area, too. There's an open position at a Lutheran church for a "discipleship coach" (like a youth pastor), and I emailed the pastor a while ago. He wants me to send my "resume," even though I told him I have less qualifications than just experience.

So I'll be working on my resume tomorrow. That would be a whole new experience working in a Lutheran church--if they wanted me there. It looked like a great place on the website, but I think I'll call the church and maybe stop by tomorrow to see what it's like before I expend all my energy applying for the position.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you come back

8/31/2005 12:23 PM  

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